In life there is a magic at work that defies explanation…
Sometimes things just FLOW.
Your body, mind and emotions are in harmony, there’s a sense of liveliness and possibility, creativity blossoms.
But why do we just leave it up to chance, hoping that the heavenly Flow will catch us up in its tingly embrace, when truly it’s up to us to kindle that flame, to dance that dance, to sing that song?
To live this life.
I invite you to join me in a safe, nurturing space where you can breathe, move and create.
This, I believe with my whole heart, is why we live. Let’s share and enjoy our time together.
We will engage all facets of our selves.
Body: movement in the form of yoga, dance, qi gong, breathwork, etc
Mind: stimulating and informative discussion, writing exercises, visualization, meditation
Emotions: deep listening, relaxation techniques, tapping, art therapy, mindfulness
To understand what I bring to this party, please see More about Me.
You bring whatever you need to sort out, celebrate or sit with.
I welcome you.
We are meeting here to allow our separate streams to flow together and refresh us.

More About Me

Hi :) I'm Charisse.
While I was serving at the Sivananda Ashram in Kerala, India, they gave me the name Chamundi. It's a name associated with the Goddess Kali, a goddess that gives most people pause with her menacing grimace. It was explained to me that this name was taken from two of her victims – Chanda & Munda -- monsters representing the two extremes of human nature, Rajas and Tamas. The name signifies finding a middle way, that elusive balance we all seek.
My journey began with studying medicine at the University of Pretoria. However, as someone who eschews medication entirely in my own life, the fit was not a comfortable one and I followed my bliss to America where I got a BA in Theatre, Film and English. I went on to work in the film industry in Los Angeles and worked in script development on some cool movies.
On returning to South Africa I lectured at the University of Pretoria in visual communication while running film schools in Gauteng. After meeting and marrying my husband Jason we moved to New York where I got my MA degree at NYU. We then lived in Japan and traveled extensively in Asia. We also lived in Afghanistan where I worked with the only female Afghan health team in the country.
It was at this time that I had the great privilege of traveling in India and spent time in many ashrams exploring the various traditions and schools of yoga. Over the years I have meditated in Buddhist temples and served in Ashrams. I have studied all the world religions and have a keen interest in Philosophy.
After our time in Afghanistan we returned to South Africa and began a family in the Eastern Cape by adopting our daughter and giving birth to our son a few months later. We moved to the Mother City, Cape Town, when they were in their infancy and I lectured at Stellenbosch University for a time before pioneering the Imhoff Waldorf High School. I have had the privilege of teaching teenagers remarkable courses on mythology, the history of language, philosophy, astronomy, as well as leading journeys in the wild that reflect journeys of the soul. I also assisted these young people in producing plays and personal projects. I love working with Drama as therapy. Much is revealed and come to terms with in workshop scenarios. The truth finds its voice and embodiment.
I'm now back lecturing in Stellenbosch University's Art Department.
I also teach online and lead meditation hikes in between blogging and writing.
Besides my degrees I am a trained yoga teacher, dancer (ballet, modern, movement medicine,5 rhythms, jazz), reiki practitioner, lymphasiser, indian head & shoulder masseuse, from QiGong to fine arts, I have enjoyed it all!
Most importantly I continue to show up and do my inner work -- through profound loss, grief, depression and the vicissitudes of life I'm walking my talk.
I share all this to say that I would like to share what I have learnt along the way with you.
And in so doing continue to learn. While playing!

Come Play
Each retreat is unique, both due to the organic nature of working with a group/individual that brings its own energy as well as my own nature which longs for growth and adventure in covering new ground.
For some time I have felt frustrated by boxing phenomenal schools of thought and practice. Each has so much to offer but even more so in combination, I am happiest when working, thinking and playing across disciplines.
Come and join me beautiful spaces.
Let's flow.
When: Please check my blog
Where: The Cape, South Africa, UK, USA, Thailand, Corsica, The World
How much: Always reasonable. Healing isn't only for the rich. Inclusivity is very important to me.
If you would like to pay it forward, please get in touch.
I love working with families and people of all ages, so we can discuss parent-child sessions, teens, couples, or what you will.
Flexible flow...
Reasons to Flow:
Your body was made to move, it’s begging you to do this.
Your mind craves some new perspectives. We are spending so much time in closed (social network) circles and in the age of (dis)information our minds have become a tad lazy. Time for some mental spring cleaning.
Your heart yearns for something…more.
Time to rejuvenate your outlook on life.
You want to have fun & feel ALIVE.
You might want to have a bit of a cry.
Your creative juices need to flow.
It’s (way) cheaper than therapy.
I won’t ever push you to do anything, it’s not an ego driven stand on your head kinda thing, but you will still feel challenged, physically & creatively.
What to expect:
There will likely be some sitting/lying down and visualization.
I teach beautiful relaxation techniques that work wonders for anxiety, insomnia and the like.
We can share our stories in various ways, depending on the group’s composition.
This may lead to movement, free writing, drawing.
There will be a healthy balance between movement and stillness.
In and out breaths.
I have many wonderful healing modalities to share with you. From falun dafa to working with ancient archetypes.
Every session will be a new adventure around a theme.
What to bring:
Your whole self with all your stuff.
Comfortable clothes that you can move in and lie on the floor.
A yoga mat.
Favourite warm & comfy blanket.
Journal and pen/pencil/quill.

Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force